I store all my themes in plastic bins. Infant – toddler and preschool lesson plans are bounded using a coil binding machine. This gives each lesson plan a nice, finished look. Below is sample of a good, quality binding machine. You can search Amazon or visit your local office supply store to purchase one. You can also look for other items listed below to add to you program if you don’t own one.
(I receive no compensation for promoting items on Amazon. They are ALWAYS my 1st choice for shopping, and I want to make putting together 123 Learn Curriculum as easy as possible).
Some items you will want to have on hand when putting together your 123 Learn Curriculum themes.
- Laminator
- Laminating sheets (5 Mil thickness is great for more durability)
- Coil Machine
- Coils
- Color Printer (One that will let card stock go through the printer)
- White card stock
- Self-laminating sheets
TruBind Coil Binding Machine with Electric Coil Inserter

Sample of finished lesson plans. Infant – Toddler and Preschool

Binded lesson plans make accessing easier when teaching little ones. Each lesson plan is done separately. Infant – toddler and preschool. You can put into each lesson plan what you would like, making it easier for you.
Storage for each themed lesson plans

Everything for a lesson plan can go into a storage bin. There is a label in each file for you to print up and place on the outside to mark the bin. Depending on what you have for each lesson plan will depend on the size of your bins. The bin above is a Ziploc 44 QT storage container. Books, activities, mirrors and everything for this theme is stored in here. After themes are done, the theme is pulled from storage, and everything is ready to go. Only thing needed is printing up each day’s activities.

Everything needed for the All About Me theme will be stored in this bin. When putting together your theme, keep in mind if you will be adding items to the theme and start out with a larger bin.
Placing everything in a bin keeps things organized and all in one place.
Toddler and Preschool Activities are Stored in Flexible Folders
Directions for how to put together and store toddler and preschool activities are located in each lesson plan, with links to purchase items. This will give you a place to store activities when not in use and keep items together. Watch the video at the end of this page to see how these flexible folders are used.

Sample of File Folder Games Printed and Put Together

All About Me – My Five Senses

All About Me – Sequencing Cards

All About Me – Color Sorting
Here is a video from TikTok showing
What is Included in my
All About Me theme
Have fun putting together your lesson plans. The great thing about 123 Learn Curriculum is that you can print and add anything you want to your program from the 123 Learn Curriculum website. There’s no need to try and do everything because there is so much for you to be able to pick and choose what you want to put into your program. I want to give you options.
Any questions or comments, please email me. JeanieB506@aol.com
Thank you!
123 Learn Curriculum